Free honey for nonprofit, farm, garden, & education partners. Workshops, school visits, bee rehoming, and over 10 million little ladies pollinating our city!



For the last few years we’ve given free honey to our hosts, pollinated wide swaths of KC, hosted workshops and honey harvests, rehomed honey bee swarms and colonies, visited schools, and more! We’ve got big plans for the future and your help would make this possible.

Bee KC maintains over 150 honey bee hives in the KCMO metro, as well as many native bee homes. We place hives on the property of schools, urban farms, community gardens and more, giving free honey to our partners and providing pollination benefits for miles around. In addition, we host educational workshops, school visits, honey harvests, and other events. If you’d like some honey, find us in the City Market most weekends!

Thinking of starting a hive? We hold workshops throughout the warm months, announced on our instagram and our newsletter. You can also check out this page for helpful tips.

Learn more about educational visits here.

For bee swarm rehoming (trees, walls, and more) check out this page.

As urban beekeepers, the safety and happiness of neighbors is always our number one priority. More info on our safety precautions here.

Our monthly newsletter contains news about events, beekeeping tips and seasonal practices, interesting articles, links to helpful resources and more! (Read the current issue.) We tried to make it more of a small magazine than a simple organizational newsletter, and we don’t add anyone to other lists or send out annoying solicitations. (No information at all is recorded other than your email address, which is not shared with any other party.) If you’d like to subscribe, the link is at the bottom of our contact page.


Beekeeping is not only important to our local ecosystem, it’s also an incredibly fun and rewarding hobby! With a little education, anyone can set up a few hives and harvest honey, pollen and more, and enjoy the benefits of living alongside these little animals. Learn more:


Native bees and pollinators need even more help than honey bees! There are hundreds of species of native bee in our region, their travel range is smaller than a honey bee’s and they are not social insects; they only lay eggs and move on, no colonies to defend. We’re working on a page for our work with natives, for now check out the MO Department of Conservation’s site.


Help Bee KC by volunteering, donating (every amount helps), and signing up for news about workshops and events. With donations our goal is to add positions that will enable us to not only continue to keep honey bees but also grow into an organization that creates native insect habitats all over the city!


Working with community gardens & urban farms, restaurants & breweries, homeowners, real estate developers & more, Bee KC promotes honey bee culture and native pollinators in Kansas City. Honey is given free to the hosts, pollination and ecodiversity increases, and tax benefits are created for our partners.